Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's Snowing.In November. In Ireland. Bleedin' Obviously!

Yes it is. This might appear to be stating the bleeding obvious, but it seems nothing seems obvious to people at all. Let's state some more 'bleeding obvious' things that are happening: The Irish banking crisis, my damned unforgivable chest infection and Lionel Messi is the greatest footballer in the world......... Only one of these 'facts' has not been man made: my chest infection. Man has caused or created all the others. This 'Big Freeze' has been well documented in it's arrival


It shouldn't be a 'surprise' to anyone. Yet to my astonishment it is! People still don't 'believe' in the Gulf stream conveyer belt! they don't 'believe' we're causing the world to sink into all kinds of reactions caused by our actions........and let's state this emphatic scientific fact:
Actions cause equal and opposite reactions
If you destroy a tree, and do not plant another, you have animately altered the 'state of the world', that's a 'fact'. If you burn fuel you create change, if you slip you fall.
Actions have Consequences......it makes me livid, I want to scream from the mountains, 'who does not know this?' Everything has a consequence, you are responsible for that!
The world is 'alterable'.
Inference: The world has been altered.

Now certainly some 'freak' occurrences take place in this world, Messi being one, and Roger Federer another, anomalies to the human genome..... hey the Thames froze in 1610!, there is one thing freak events have in common, very few people predict them......

Well here, for my pinch of salt, as Jonathan Mc Glinn, Irish Finn, I'm going to state I reason that catastrophes are ahead, and they will have been caused by our unfettered abuse of Mother earth, our blind ignorance and bold stupidity.

Let's look at some purported 'facts': The Greenland block is melting; The Siberian rivers are multiplying alarmingly; It's snowing in November in Dublin for the fit time in  recorded history; It's set to last into the next couple of 'weeks'; Bushy park lake is frozen over; The desalination of the Atlantic will be virtually impossible to prevent at this stage and a man made ice-age will ensue; Nobody is preparing anything.
1 of these I can verify by observation and the rest I must rely on others information to 'believe'.

Question: why would they lie? To spread fear? Now there's the difference between this pardigm and that of war and economics, they are man-made, they can be directly altered by day, by man, ' It's a Banking crises!" sell your shares, then I can buy them, you can't buy them, bar guessing, because only I know which will truly survive.
Iran are bad, Wikileaks, broker leaks, human tools for human weapons....... these are not conspiracies, this is the human world........
Problem, why would they lie about Global warming...... So we stop driving their cars! so we don't consume anymore materials than required! I know: So we become 'Green' yes that's it! the biggest scam of all, let's sell them 'green'. Nope. They don't all want these things to happen, some do, some don't, Hell even if they do, worst-case scenario we live in a much nicer world. It's not the case.

Now I'm getting this in writing, I've been rationally predicting this since I first saw a car, I always hated them, why? they immediately repulsed my animal, certainly they amazed my 'monkey' at their wonder, but they were spewing an evil smelling fuel. It was clearly bad. Think of suicide by exhaust fumes, there can be no worse or sadder way for the modern human to end their existence, and yet fittingly that is what we are doing, daily, globally.

Sure I might sound like a know-it-all, let's clear this up: I know nothing but the bleedin' obvious, and I'm stating it, why? because I spend a lot of time around people who tell me it's rubbish! people who 'know everything'; I fear for myself, I'm afraid because I can't show them what I can see, I can't let them view the world through my eyes- other than by writing this- and I predicted the property boom and crash when I was 14.
It was all so bleedin' obvious.

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