Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wikileaks: Sounds like a rectal diagnosis!

Yep that's right we've all heard about it, it's new, it's bold, it's hip, it's 'anti-system' it's here to let the little man shake up the elite. Yep, lots of retired professionals are going to spill the beans on information you were never meant to hear!  This is Top-Secret stuff, no-one was meant to hear any of this, this could destroy reputations, tarnish U.S. Goodwill world over, this is the real deal, stop the press, call el Presidente, shuffle in Dame Clinton Wikileaks is here!!

No it's not a rectal dysfunction, a bowel disorder, something you get in Kathmandu, or a Gastro renal tap- it's a webpage. It's function: to perform Wicked Leaks!; wicked because they are naughty; and leaks because they are 'let out' when you least expect them, (sticking with the Intestinal analogy).

Don't be fooled  this is not a site for the uber-intellectsia to use as a difficult to peruse forum for serious geo-national political debate, this is a site where anyone, the most common road sweep, can be afforded the opportunity to see what the "informed" the "we know stuff you don't" class get to see, the kinda 'stuff' you never get to know is even going on behind closed! imagine! like a soap opera involving Ahmadinejad, Putin, and Silvio Berlusconi....

These are opinions highly trained, trusted, respected, positioned, responsible, dedicated, professional, U.S. staff, working closely with these men, have arrived at after profound and detailed observation. This is serious 'stuff'. If you can't trust them who can you trust? no-one I reckon. Although that is a bit of a confusing one considering they've just backstabbed their Government and nation by leaking classified information.

But hey, we can look past that, that's why I trust the U.S. government really didn't want me to know these things, because what interest would they have in leaking such information as this? surely the U.S. government would not want the world to think that Ahmadinejad is considered by their staff to be "Hitler", oh no, apologise quick, the old adage may hold, "Shit thrown sticks", and we, as the U.S. government would hate for nothing more than to send out a negative attitude towards our close ally and friend Iran; What? Saudi 'WANT' us to invade them, oh no, shy face held behind quivering hand Mrs. Clinton, that's the last kind of information we want to leak onto the global public forum. Israel too, what! this is a catastrophe, so many of our subordinate officers have caused such awful uproar, no-one should have seen these things.... what there's more?!

What the heck! Putin an 'Alpha Dog', in cahoots with the Mafia, well we can't quite say it's untrue, as you know, we couldn't do that, but it's terrible that someone said it.... Sarkozy the French leader no less, was "thin-skinned and authoritarian",  and leader Ban-Ki-Moon "suffers from a charisma defect", now what leader without being authoritarian would have any hope of survival who would know, and a charisma defect, well he who throws the first stone.....

The list seems endless, and lets be frank, trite. It really seems only to suit the interests of shit throwers. Here's some classics, Donald Rumsfeld was compared to "*******", Bill Clinton to "*******" and Obama..... well you can see the point.
I guess if shit is that weak it really should be easy to wash off.
Wikileaks: Thumbs down.